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Hazel Raven is a well known and respected international teacher and practitioner of complementary therapies with over 30 years experience in this field. Hazel has been clairvoyant since birth and is the author of several books on crystal therapy, angel and Archangel essence healing and has been recognised as a teacher of crystal and gem therapy for many lifetimes.
Hazel currently teaches in Manchester and Bournemouth. In 1990 Hazel became a committee member of the ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations). In 1992 she became treasurer of ACHO and in 1995 she was elected to the position of Vice-Chairman of ACHO. A position she held for 7 years. As a committee member of ACHO, Hazel was actively involved with setting the British agreed guidelines and training standards for crystal therapy.
Hazel is a qualified educationalist and served on the Inner Council of the BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association) for many years as its crystal therapy representative for education.
Hazel was initiated into Reiki in 1991 and became a Reiki Master in 1994, and was invited to serve on The Reiki Federation's Steering Committee by the BCMA - as representative for obtaining validation for courses. In May 1999, Hazel was asked to attend the FIM conference (Foundation for Integrated Medicine) at the Commonwealth Institute in London, which was also attended by HRH The Prince of Wales, the Foundation's patron. Hazel is a member of the BFVEA (British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association).
Media Appearances
Hazel has had a series of articles published and has appeared on television and radio, in the press and national women's magazines, including the Christmas 1997 edition of Cosmopolitan magazine, which featured Hazel’s angelic experiences. Hazel’s angel work was the subject of a double page spread in the Daily Mail and the News of the World.
Her TV work in the UK includes ‘Heaven and Earth’ and a show for BBC 2 which was shown on New Years day 1999 called ‘Pyramid People’. One of Hazel’s many angel stories was also featured in ‘An Angel At My Shoulder’ by Glennyce S Eckersley, published 1st December 1996.
In July 1999, Hazel founded the Hazel Raven College of Bio-Dynamics to promote integrated therapy. In July 2000, Hazel launched commercially the Hazel Raven College of Bio-Dynamics Archangel, Angel, Master, Chakra Harmony and Five Element-Children of the Angels essences ranges. Hazel is a member of the BAFEP (British Association of Flower Essence Producers).
The Hazel Raven College of Bio-Dynamics (HRCB) is a Members’ School of the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations (ACHO), which is part of the British Crystal Healers (BCH) and Associate of the Institute for Complementary Medicine (ICM).
The ACHO was formed in 1988 by a group of four crystal healing organisations to promote training and competence in crystal therapy. Today, ACHO has over twenty member schools who have agreed to follow the same Core Curriculum and general course structure.
BCH is an umbrella body for schools teaching crystal therapy. In bringing together the ACHO and the Crystal and Healing Federation (CHF) 'British Crystal Healers' becomes the 'lead body' responsible for setting standards and providing a Code of Conduct.
The Principal Hazel Raven HRCB FM, has been a committee member and former Vice Chairman of ACHO and teaching the two year professional crystal courses since 1990. Hazel is an acclaimed international writer, lecturer and therapist with over thirty years experience in metaphysical research and personal development. Hazel is author of:
Crystal Healing the Complete Practitioner’s Guide
Crystal Healing a Vibrational Journey Through the Chakras
Heal Yourself with Crystals
Angel Therapy the Complete Practitioner’s Guide
The Secrets of Angel Healing
The Angel Bible
Also, contributor to the best selling ‘Book of Stones’
Some of her books have been translated into fourteen different languages.